Greenfields Webinar
Greenfields Webinar
Greenfields Webinar
Greenfields for 2020. Webinar about getting out of procrastination and into flow. What if you could create a totally new reality for yourself - free from limitation, societal programming, projections from your peer group about what “normal” is? What if time was just an illusion and ageing a choice? Do you need to be married by 30? Are you selfish for not having children? Is safety and stability in a physical home or fat bank balance? Is it foolish to leave a stable job to set up your own business with zero guarantees? How many of us have tried and feel like we have “failed” in getting life figured out? What physical conditions are clouding your thinking? We delve into all these questions and more.
The fears behind the action that are protecting the status quo - what is the false protection that keeps you in familiar ground? How do we step into our divine blueprint? Clearing on various levels across the genetic line, ancestral beliefs and soul level contracts. Working on the inner child and how to trust your own guidance. Coming into 2020 I will be using more of my channeled insights in addition to energetic downloads.
The central theme here is about allowance - how much are you willing to allow? A state of allowance that may feel uncomfortable, may feel uncertain, and that may create more expansion than you ever thought possible. How much do you trust yourself and Creation, God, Angels, Spirit, Consciousness (whatever word or creative force resonates with you)? What is holding you back?
On the cusp of change. Coming together as a collective is very powerful and clears on many more dimensions and hidden subconscious pathways of which you may not have been aware. Its the next best thing after private sessions (which is of course the ultimate deep dive into your own blocks and of course superpowers) To all of our continued expansion into more ease, flow and joy.