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This is an intensive and deeply transformational experience that requires time, energy, and commitment from you.  The container is highly personalized and relevant to your particular needs and challenges in periods of evolution in your life. This change can be in any area, and usually, there is overlap between different areas of your life.

  • You may be ending a relationship, you may be wanting a different career, you may want to get a better position at work, or you may be in a period of grief and/or letting go.

  • A very persistent and palpable feeling will be that things need to change; that you cannot continue on your current path because the cost of staying the same, keeping that status quo is more painful than finally getting the help you need to shift your identity and your life.

  • You have an inner knowing that there is more to life than the way you are currently experiencing it.

  • You are seeking the right tools, guidance, process, and direction that will set you up for more ease, flow, expansion, and self-trust.

  • You don’t want cookie cutter. You want something that fits your unique background, lifestyle, and personality. 

If this sounds like this may be for you, or if you have questions then please book here to schedule a 30 min call. Together we will assess if this is the right program for you and if we are a good fit for your desired outcome.


Get to know me and how I work

Hiring a mentor or guide is an important decision. It’s helpful to understand their perspective so you can feel if you align with the way they view the world, and see if you vibe with their energy. If you don’t align with how your mentor views the world, it will make it challenging for you to receive their guidance and therefore gets the results you’re hoping for.

Would you like to know more about how I view the world, the work I do, the language I use, my energy, and why you would want to inquire about working together?

Please watch this video.


Program Framework

This is an intensive and highly transformational experience that requires time, energy, and commitment from you.

The container is 3 months of private coaching with me (9 one to one deep dive calls). You MUST commit to 3 sessions a month. Package must be complete within 4 months of the first session

  •  Weekday WhatsApp/Voxer access during work hours UK time (reply within 24 hours). Appropriate for quick questions and check-ins. This is not a substitute for session work and deep issues will need to wait for the next one-to-one call.

  • The process will depend on each person’s situation. This container can use Human Design, Astrology, Medical Intuition, Chanelling, Coaching, Energy Healing, and other proprietary frameworks to deliver targeted and lasting results.

  • Follow up Call one month after the last session

What does the program entail?

Taster Session: Sneak peak behind the scenes of a session with me


Examples of Core Themes addressed


Each person is different and the purpose of this program is to achieve highly specific and targeted results for you as a unique individual. The list below is not exhaustive and may or may not apply to you. The purpose of the 30 min exploratory call is to identify your particular needs.

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Life purpose

Your Calling vs “a Job”

Motivators: money, security, family pressure, societal norms, status

Sense of Fulfilment

Inner child Healing

Core hidden behavior drivers?

Recurrent patterns, needing to belong, sense of Identity, punishing/reward undercurrents

Family structures you grew up with


Confidence, drive and ability to complete goals

Determining  your own direction


Attracting romantic love, loss of connection in partnership, level of fun in life, sex,

Relational dynamics: children, parents, estrangement, social lives, friendships

Dark Night of the soul

Feelings of despair, overwhelm and introversion, uncertain that things will ever change: been to therapists, coaches, and healers with the same patterns returning


Achieving optimal health mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Moving past lethargy, root of Illness, 

Finding Motivation, 

Concepts about ageing, dis-ease


How do you make your mark? Why do you do what you do?

How to motivate: Power vs Force? From where do you draw meaning?

Staff inclusion and motivation: unified vision and delegation.

Level of Creativity and Problem-Solving

Recurring Patterns

Attracting the same kind of people, conditions, and circumstances.

Limiting beliefs, fear to be alone, fear of ageing, distrust of men/women: feeling “used” for money/sex/power, disillusionment

Stagnation Energy

Lack of motivation, feeling like a hamster on a wheel


Your unique identity. What do you stand for? How is this reflected in your life, relationships, career, business, and life purpose?



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Who is this aligned for

  • You are excited to discover your gifts 

  • You believe in self-development and continuous growth

  • You are open to being guided by me

  • You believe in energy and manifestation work

  • You invest in yourself and your process

  • You believe you are a co-creator of your reality

  • You are self-motivated

  • You communicate your edge and discomfort with a desire to improve and go deeper

  • You have a vision for your future

  • You believe change comes with financial investment and are happy to invest in yourself

  • You know you will get exactly what is correct for you in the container

  • You are open to spiritual practice and believe in a higher power

  • You feel motivated to shift past your blocks and create real change

  • You are aware deep transformation does not happen in a single session

  • You feel a connection with me and want to create something magical

  • You want to foster deep connections with like-minded people to uplift everyone

  • You are light-hearted and fun

  • You are ready to be lovingly called out of your shadow aspects

  • You believe you are a unique gift to the world and want to contribute

  • You are willing to get uncomfortable in order to really change

  • You expect results




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Who this is not aligned for 

  • You are unwilling to be self-reflective and explore your inner realm

  • You get defensive with probing questions and reflection

  • You need proof and convincing of my methods

  • You want a linear and science-based model of development

  • You want a quick fix

  • You value action over alignment

  • You are stuck in victimhood and constantly going into your past and staying there

  • You need someone to keep you accountable and push you

  • You shy away from communicating your difficult and tender moments and retreat or turn to blame

  • You are apathetic and want someone else to give you a solution

  • You want guarantees and feel doubt around high-level investing

  • You want guarantees ahead of time about your exact results

  • You are very Carthesian and energy work and the Unseen world is too ”Woo” for you

  • You need to be pushed and don’t believe people can change

  • You secretly want me to prove my work can help you

  • You want to keep yourself private and closed off

  • You are dealing with clinical depression and are in need of medical help

  • You want to copy someone else's version of success

  • You don’t like to do new things and create new habits

  • You wonder if this will work


Difference Between Single Session/Package &Fate Changer

FC is a 3-month container where you are committing to doing 3 sessions a month, with a final integration session a month after session 9. The pace is continuous with pre-planned session times. Changing these times is not encouraged unless absolutely necessary.

The container can be intense for some, as we do deep-seated belief upgrades, focus on the creation, and resolve the stories that come up about the reasons for not having achieved your goals thus far. Clients have noticed feeling very tired and at times emotional after such a profound releasing. 

The FC container is specifically created to be more charged than single sessions and packages where more time can pass between meetings. The intensity is required to bring up issues that you may ignore, block or procrastinate on if left to you to book sessions whenever you feel like it. The container allows you to keep your commitment to yourself, and keep up the pace of change, all whilst being held lovingly accountable. The real magic of transformation happens between the sessions, while you integrate what comes up in our sessions with your daily life. This is embodiment work. Applying what we do during sessions to real-life scenarios. This is the reason you get access to me by Voxer and Whatsapp (set times only) so I can provide support in tender moments, between our sessions together.

The Voxer/Whatsapp access really allows you to surrender into the container knowing you have the safety of my support throughout your huge life up a level. You are not being cast away to handle moments of fear, doubt, confusion, and overwhelm that can arise in periods of identity shifting. This is not possible in single sessions or packages as the level of support is restricted to in-session only.

The breadth of tools is also much broader in the container as I can look into your astrology and human design (depending on what your goals are) to further deepen the results you can attain in this time together.  I recommend other practitioners and modalities if there is a need for it. This does not happen in any other offer. This container is a transformational experience, not a one-off toe dip. You will be held even if you feel rough, knowing you are safe. This is what you came for - to change your life because you are ready for it because everything else you have tried has not yielded the results you deserve. You will learn how to swim in rough seas and emerge as the captain of your ship. No other offer has this level of touch, time, energy, or expertise from me personally.



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Results people have got from working with me

Two women (and counting going) from single AF to getting married!

One stressed and depleted lawyer ditched her job to become a highly sought-after healer and teacher. Oh, and she also met her soulmate as she had more time and inner resources to allow love in.

One lady got her ex back (unexpectedly).

  • She increased her self-love and leaned back in her feminine so she could receive.

  • Learned to communicate her needs firmly and lovingly.

  • She became magnetic and her man got excited wanting to fulfill her desires.

Getting off the people-pleasing hamster wheel of exhaustion and bitterness and gaining more confidence, healthy boundaries, and trust. The Result: new friends, a raise at work, and more money!

Releasing poverty and lack of consciousness to invest in a new business. Using her savings to invest in a passion project, releasing the guilt of justifying her spending to her husband, and within a year making more money than him!

Another young lady went from being stuck in an identity as a sexual abuse survivor to creating a brand new life:

  • moving countries,

  • having accommodation gifted to her,

  • and a business opportunity dropping in her lap where she gets clients sent to her and is making more money than ever before. She just bought a new car and is starting another side business. All from shifting from pain mode to creation goddess.

This high-powered C-suite executive went from being unemployed and looking for a job to landing a huge new managerial board-level job at a top-tier investment bank.

  • Her personal life was in complete chaos when we started.

  • Her romantic relationship in implosion and she was afraid of being a single mother with no support from her father.

  • She managed to clean up her boundaries with her ex, create certainty for their child, feel optimistic about her future, and started dating high-quality men.

  • The biggest shift she felt was in loving herself and knowing what that felt like so that she could set a higher bar for what she deserved and thus received in her life. IN ALL AREAS.

Are you ready for a seismic shift in your life?  

Book an exploratory call to decide if this is the best container for you.
