Simran is a guide, healer and multi dimensional channel. She sees the role between her client and herself as one of a bridge between their current self and their most embodied soul led version of their Higher Self.

Her work centres around having the client access their own inner wisdom through a combination of modalities
as well as her own intuitive channel.

The approach is holistic which means that the issue at hand is approached on a mind, body, and spirit level. Simran offers practical tools to embody the seismic shifts being felt on the energetic and spiritual realms.

We are eternal beings having an earthly experience which means all changes must be translated into our physical 3D reality: bringing the cosmic to the mundane.

Fundamentally the nature of the work Simran does is around personal sovereignty and being self led. The radical fate changers as well as the dreamweavers come for their dose of Magic.

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