Countdown to 2020: Shifting into a New Energetic Paradigm
Hello Tribe,
I felt it was time for me to connect with you all and thank you for being a part of my journey this year. The last few weeks of 2019 are upon us. Many of you that follow me on social media know I have been feeling the energy change since October. We are at a collective nexus point. The fact that you are reading this means that on some level this message is meant to reach you - and you will probably resonate with it as you have also been sensing some shift. A sense of something coming up that feels inherently different from previous New Year’s. Previous decades even.
The new energetic climate is asking us to radically shift our perspective on limitations. There is a quickening of energy. This means that we are facing situations that are requiring us to let go of heavy, dense and outdated situations in our lives. These are all coming up at the moment in the form of relationship conflicts (romantic, and otherwise). Are you frozen in family paradigms and inertia? Are the people in our lives supportive, loving and accepting of us as we move forward? Is our life purpose being fulfilled - this could be career, raising a family, making an impact, feeling content. Is your health asking you to pay attention to your lifestyle and emotional baggage? You may be feeling a boiling point - things coming to the surface where you can no longer keep a lid on things. Maintain the status quo. This is what I mean by the quickening of energy, there is a building pressure to change. A sense of urgency - these nudges are coming up to jolt us into change.
I share my own perspectives on this, but remember we are all on our unique path and there is never a cookie cutter model that fits one size. Having said this, some of the core limitations affecting a lot of people centre around the following themes: lack of focus on self, lack of investment into self, functioning from the mindset of struggle and lack. A huge issue at the moment is stagnation. Doing the same, wondering why you are stuck in a loop. Using procrastination as an excuse to bust through upper limits. This is rooted in fear of change, fear of the unknown and lack of support. The reasons for these blocks are often deep in the subconscious, our blind spots. We can shift a lot ourselves through various off the shelf techniques, but think of how these have worked for you to date? If you are still stuck - is it possible you need to try something different?
Self Responsibility is the name of the game here folks. Being audacious with yourself, changing track, often involves some risk. The more belief we have in ourselves, the more we feel supported (by the universe, by our inner circle, by mentors and family) the more willing we are to take that leap. This does not always boil down to financial issues. Money issues are never the root - money blocks are the result of deeper undercurrents that have nothing to do with money. Some questions to ask yourselves: What would you be willing to let go of? What other possibilities are there for a life of more joy, ease and excitement? What is the reason you are using confusion as a way to stay in your comfort zone? How is inertia protecting you? I did a webinar this month about a central second chakra issue which is about relationships and money - the two are inextricably linked: If Money was your Lover click here. We dive into prevalent and deep seated beliefs about self worth, people pleasing, over-giving, shame and the significance we attach to things/people/conditions around us which may be blocking our creations.
This year I have focused a lot on the divine feminine and how important the womb space is in creation for women. Pleasure being a central component to living a more expansive life, one of more ease, flow and magnetism. As we enter 2020, the divine feminine is rising even more - moving out of operating from a wounded paradigm of shame, blaming others (men especially!) and victimhood. I would urge you (if you are a woman) to look at a free webinar “Womb Clearing and Activation” I have on this topic on my facebook account click here.
Moving into 2020 I have an exciting new focus - working on uniting the divine masculine and feminine. Focusing on the conscious, responsible and powerful masculine perspective and how men are being called to step up. How opening up and facing wounded aspects of self, your place in the world and how you interact with the world around you, can bring in a less conflictual relationship to your own essence. Clearing the overwhelm, frustration and dissatisfaction. It is safe to have the primordial desire to forge ahead, to manifest, to pursue, whilst recognising not everything is a battle. To give space and allow (aspects of the feminine) and how to relate to the divine feminine as we emerge from the old concepts of patriarchy (not used in a pejorative sense here). Without blame, without domination and with no loss of the strong masculine essence.
As our consciousness begins to shift, we cannot ignore the physical body. To this end I am now offering Body Processes to assist these “growing pains”. I use a variety of tools to release trauma, blocks, weight, and harmful beliefs from the physical body that allow healing and transformation to be felt more deeply. At some point talking therapy is not enough. We are physical beings and a body process allows more integration of healing. Sometimes when healing seems slow or the shifts cannot be felt or perceived, you may need a body process. These sessions are fully clothed and in person. For more information please click here.
We are all breaking out of the cocoon. 2020 will allow quantum shits if you know how to ride this energy. How to harness your unique talents. How to create beyond your upper limits (point to which you subconsciously feel you cannot go further) New beliefs, perspectives and action will be required to pass beyond this comfort point. The key is to focus on Creation - give up the mind chatter and all the reasons why you cannot. Start now. How many limitless possibilities are now opening up for you? Time to walk through the portals into a new reality.
As always, I am here to assist and guide you into your own knowing and wisdom.
With Love,